This course is a fully accredited practitioner training course in the use of singing bowls (Himalayan and Quartz Crystal) in both group and one to one settings.

  • Date:22/03/2025 01:00 PM
  • Location TBC (Map)
  • More Info:TBC



The in person workshops will take place at a venue in West Lothian on Saturday March 22nd 2025 1pm to 4pm and Sunday 22nd June 2025 1pm to 4pm. The 3 online classes will be recorded for those that cannot attend live, dates to be confirmed. 


This course provides:


·       An overview of the history of Tibetan/Himalayan and Crystal singing bowls

·       Playing techniques for working with Tibetan/Himalayan singing bowls and crystal singing bowls

·       Techniques for playing singing bowls during one to one and group healing sessions

·       How to use singing bowls to work with the chakras

·       Contraindications for working with singing bowls


Course delivery:


·       2 in person workshops (3 hours each)

·       3 online group zoom calls (1 hour each)

·       Home study via course handbook and student workbooks

·       Online support via zoom and email



To qualify with the level 2 certificate you are required to:


·       Attend all workshops

·       Attend all group zoom calls

·       Complete and return the student workbooks within 12 months

·       Plan and carry out 6 sound healing case studies and complete reflection exercises within 12 months

·       Record two sound healing sessions (group and one to one) and submit videos for assessment


Course requirements:


·       Completion of Level 1 Sound Practitioner course

·       At least 3 crystal singing bowls (that can create harmonising and releasing intervals)

·       At least 2 Tibetan bowls  (that can create harmonising intervals)


It would be desirable to have a chakra set of crystal bowls though it is not a requirement